The Hazards Of Dog Poop: How It Affects Us And The Environment
There’s no way of putting it nicely – dog poop is gross. If you’ve ever slipped in it while taking a walk, or got in on your tires while driving on the street, you’ll understand. But dog poop is more than just dirty, it’s actually harmful. This may seem odd to many of us, who might think that since dog poop is organic, it should be safe – gross, perhaps, but essentially no different from, say, fertilizers.
However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has put pet waste in the same category as toxic chemicals like pesticides. Studies have even suggested that a single gram of dog poop can contain around 23 million bacteria. They even suggest flushing dog poop down the toilet instead of leaving it outside!
So, what exactly are the hazards of dog waste? We discuss them here.
Hurts Water Systems
Dog poop is full of bacteria, and it’s a serious issue for waterways. Most people might think that dog poop is just organic and so shouldn’t be too harmful to leave lying around, but it contributes to nitrogen, bacteria and phosphorous levels in large amounts. When dog poop finds its way to waterways – perhaps through drainage systems after a storm, or if it's in proximity to a lake or river – it contributes to the pollution of that waterway. Unfortunately, pet waste is a site for bacteria such as E. Coli.
Bad for the Environment
Aside from just being bad for waterways, dog poop hurts other components of the environment. It can even filter into the air we breathe! Dog poop that’s left sitting in your yard can also put your family in harm’s way. You may think dog poop can act as a fertilizer, but when left to fester it becomes a breeding ground for parasite eggs and larvae. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and more have been found in dog poop and can transfer to your family, especially children.
Bad for Dogs
Dog poop is also dangerous for your furry friend. Your dog can pick up lingering parasites from waste. Many of the illnesses they pick up from dog poop also don’t function like chickenpox – getting them isn’t a one-and-done business. For instance, a dog down with a Giardia infection, which is typically contracted from contact with waste, can always get it again if he returns to an area infested by waste.
Getting Rid of Waste the Right Way
This might seem scary, but it’s important to know about hidden dangers that come with pet ownership so that you can keep your dog healthy. We hope that this information encourages you not to leave your dog’s poop lying around. Whether your dog does their business in or outside of your compound, we hope that you’ll pick it up and dispose of it in a safe way. If you’re taking your dog out for a walk, bring our waste bag holder with you! Chic and environmentally-friendly, it’s the perfect companion.