ASPCA- Before you adopt an animal

ASPCA-Before you adopt an animal

ASPCA- Before you adopt an animal 



Who Rescued Whom? Adopting a Pet Can Be More Beneficial Than You Think


Pets can be a great addition to any household. Whether you’re a couple looking to co-own a pet, a family looking for a furry friend for the kids, or an individual looking for companionship, adopting a pet will enhance your life.


For individuals who are dealing with depression or addiction recovery, animal-assisted intervention from an emotional support pet could be an effective way to reduce stress and anxiety, ease loneliness, and bring love and affection into your life. All of those benefits can be key in preventing relapse. Who hasn’t had their worries melt away with the sight of wagging tail and a slobbery kiss on the face? Have you ever pet a dog or cat continuously, only to discover an hour has gone by and you suddenly feel more relaxed than you were before? Pets are powerful.


As with all things, you get back what you put into something. To receive love from a pet, you have to give love. It’s unfair to adopt a pet that you’re not ready to care for in the way they deserve. Remember that you are this pet’s everything. Their world revolves around you, so make their world count for the short time that they’re alive.


Before you adopt an animal, make sure your lifestyle and living situation are suitable for a pet. Those with allergies to fur and dander might want to opt for a scaly pet instead of furry, four-legged friend. You might want to avoid a dog if you live in an apartment and have a busy work schedule. If you live in a house with a yard and are home most of the day, then a dog is perfect for you. If you’re an active person who likes to go on regular walks and jogs, then by all means, get a dog. Your life will feel more fulfilled with this loveable creature in your life.


Dogs need to be walked often, let out for bathroom breaks, and kept company. They are social animals, so they thrive with their leaders and loved ones. Dogs need your time and attention. Cats can be left alone for a day or two, as long they have a litter box and a timed feeder. Aquarium pets can last even longer without daily care, but all pets should only live with someone who has time to care for it.


Once you’ve found and rescued your pet, prepare your home for a warm welcome. He’s probably excited to get out of the cage at the shelter where you found him, but he will still need to adjust to a new environment and a new owner. A rescue pet that came from an unsafe situation prior to adoption might be nervous or fearful at first. Get him a nice habitat that features a bed, toys, and treats.


Make sure all other dwellers in the home — be they humans or other animals — don’t scare him off when he walks in the door. Other pets might need to be kept separate until the new addition is comfortable in his new space. Children need training as much as pets need housebreaking. Young children must learn to gently approach animals since they can be eager to shower a new animal with hugs, kisses, and tail pulls.


Now that your friend is comfortable in his new home, it’s time to make him feel like family. Bonding is important for the human-pet relationship, as this is how they learn to trust you and see you as their leader and protector. You can take your pet camping or hiking, on several daily walks, to a dog park or beach, or on a picnic in the park. Give him the quality of life that he deserves.


Pets deserve a good quality of life, but so do you. We could all use a little more love in our lives. Adopting a pet can be one of life’s most rewarding experiences, especially for someone who needs emotional support. Adoption means you get to rescue a homeless animal that will end up rescuing your heart.