Healed Dog's Skin Rash with Coconut Oil and Lavender Essential Oil

A Natural Way to Heal a Rash and Allergies

Skin Rash with Coconut Oil and Lavender Essential OilSkin Rash with Coconut Oil and Lavender Essential Oil

The pictures above show my dog's mystreious rash on Day 1 and on Day 2 after I treated it with coconut oil and lavender oil.

To this day, I am unsure how and why my pup developed this rash. The only thing I can think of that was outside her normal routine that day is the fact that she was rolling in the grass outside our home more than she usually does.

She did her rolling while we were living on a golf course and I have recently found out that golf courses are treated/sprayed heavily with weedkillers to keep the grass looking pristine. Well, I do like how beautiful the course was maintained but I didn't realize that it was due to the heavy load of chemicals that my poor pup was rolling in and absorbed through her skin. I do remember seeing the maintenance workers spraying something that day but it didn't cross my mind that it could affect my pup. 

I treated her with coconut oil and lavender oil for a few days and the rash went away. 

We have since moved and are no longer living on a golf course:)

I personally love using essential oils and coconut oil for not only my pups but my entire family. Learn about the benefits of essential oils here:


 have since also started my own dog gear shop where we sell hand made all natural coat protective dog gear. I could not find dog collars that were not full of toxins and would not irritate my dog's neck or mat their hair so I developed my own products that are free of toxins, super soft and actually comfortable for the pet to wear.  You can visit it here:  www.hunddenmark.com