5 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Dog's Joint Health
If your dog is starting to show signs of joint pain, you might be concerned about what you can do for them. Luckily, plenty of options are available for keeping your pet's joints healthy and mobile. This article will cover some common pain areas in dogs' bodies (like the neck, elbows, and hips) as well as what owners can do at home to help improve dog's joint health.
Well, here are some tips on how to keep them healthy and happy for as long as possible:
Avoid Overfeeding
Being overweight can lead to joint pain. Overweight dogs are more likely to develop arthritis. Dogs are omnivores and should not be fed a diet high in carbohydrates, while they may thrive on one high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
Give Supplements For Joint Health
If you've got a dog who is already showing signs of joint problems or has been diagnosed with arthritis, you may opt to give supplements. If your dog is young and healthy, you might consider adding them to its diet as a preventive measure.
Plenty of joint health supplements are available at your local pet store or online. While these products can be expensive and may not work for every dog, several good options are relatively inexpensive and show great results. Some combination formulas contain glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, and other vitamins and minerals known to help dogs suffering from arthritis pain or hip dysplasia.
Watch Your Dog's Weight
Overweight dogs are more likely to develop joint problems, so it's important to keep an eye on their waist circumference. A good weight for a dog is between 10% and 20% of its ideal body weight, though this can vary depending on breed or age. Keep in mind that a healthy diet for your dog will help keep your pup at a healthy weight, but it might also be beneficial to check with your vet before making changes to their diet—they may have other advice that would be more useful than simply cutting back on food portions!
Cut Back On Play Time, If Necessary
Too much exercise can actually be bad for dogs with joint issues. Without giving them enough rest between exercises, their joints will become inflamed and damaged further by the additional wear and tear caused by overdoing it in one setting. If your dog has recently injured his leg or hip region due to any fall or injury sustained outside, it may be wise to keep them indoors so they don't risk re-injuring themselves while playing outside with other pets or people.
Provide Adequate Support
Providing adequate support will help your dog maintain its balance. A soft surface to lie on, such as a folded towel or small pillow, can help reduce joint stress. Dogs often spend their time lying down when resting or sleeping, so providing them with a comfortable place to do so will be beneficial for both you and your dog!
Ramps can also provide easier access to areas requiring jumping or climbing over high obstacles. For example, if you have stairs in your house that are too steep for your older dog's joints, you could build a ramp instead (you don't need anything fancy; some carpeting will work just fine).
Massage The Joints
A massage is an excellent way to help your dog maintain overall joint health. Massage can increase blood circulation, which can improve muscle tone and range of motion. Massage is also a great way to relieve stress, which can help relaxed muscles work better.
By following these tips, you can help your dog live a happy and comfortable life. Don't forget that the best approach is to keep your dog as active as possible without overdoing it.