Ways To Keep Your Dog From Getting Lost Or Running Away
Nobody wishes for it to happen but dogs do get lost sometimes when they wander off on their own. Such a scenario happens usually because of oversights that are easily preventable by owners. A missing dog can be highly devastating and there is no guarantee that your dog will come back or returned to you every time. As a well-meaning dog owner, here is how you can keep your dog from getting lost.
Secure Dog
Most often than not, dogs go missing as a result of being unleashed or when they go for walks in an unsecured area. Regardless of how well-trained your dog may be, do not let them wander outside on their own unsupervised. Many pets can get lost or even stolen this way. To prevent this, you can keep your pet inside a fenced area or have them safely tethered to a leash. Depending on the size of your dog, your fence needs to be able to accommodate their heights, especially if they like to jump around. The fence needs to be buried at least 6 inches deep so as to ensure that it is kept secure for pets who are diggers. There should also be no loose boards or open cracks that can be risky for tiny or pushy pets.
Supervise Dog
A lost dog is often left unsupervised. Supervision involves more than just having a secure fence. It can include not leaving your dog out for an extended period of time while you are not around, and to not leave your dog unsupervised in the car. The majority of lost dogs are those that get bored and found a way to escape from a car or yard. If you have to leave your dog alone for any reason, consider getting a pet sitter.
Microchip Dog
A microchip is a tiny implant that you can plant into your dog’s shoulder. It contains information that can be scanned by a vet or shelter to find your details. Should your dog ever get lost, the public can help to recover your information and return them to you.
Spay or Neuter Dog
According to records, approximately 75 percent of owned dogs are spayed or neutered but just 10 percent that come into shelters are spayed or neutered. Dogs that are spayed or neutered are less likely to wander off to look for a mate. Lost dogs are likely to breed, but if they do, they may create a problem of homeless animals.
Train Dog
Dogs that have been properly trained are less likely to end up in shelters. Training classes also offer pet owners with safety information and pet care tips that can help them avoid mistakes that can lead to their dog going missing. A trained dog is less likely to wander off on its own and will constantly listen to instructions. Some trained dogs are also able to follow the scent or sight of things that they are familiar with which can help them to return home should they get lost.