Learn How To Potty Train A Puppy
Learning how to potty train your puppy is one of the most important steps you should take when you first get a new puppy. In the midst of the excitement of getting a brand-new pet, you might forget about this step. However, learning to potty train your dog well is important because a major reason a lot of dogs get put up for adoption is unfortunately that they never learned to stop soiling the house. Thankfully, if you’re on this page, you are on the right path to having a long, happy, and healthy life with your beloved pet. There are multiple ways to potty train your pet, which we have compiled below. Read on to find out what these methods are so that you can implement a method that works best for you and your pet.
Crate Training
As a new pet owner, there are many things to learn. The use of a crate feels small and restrictive, maybe even abusive. However, this is a misconception and if you use a dog crate well, this can be a great way for you to train your pet. Crates are great for multiple reasons, including making transportation and vet visits easier. Ensure that you’re picking a crate that is large enough for your pet, which gives them enough space to lie down, stand up and move around.
These crates are supposed to serve as a ‘safe’ location for your dog, much like how your home is a safe space for humans. Hence, your dog would want to avoid excreting and making their safe space soiled. When your puppy shows an urge to use the toilet, it’ll let you know by whining and looking uncomfortable. This is a good signal that she wants to leave her crate and when you see this signal, immediately act upon it. You can even reward your pet with scrumptious dog treats. After a few times of repeating this process, your pet will learn to pee in a specific area. Hence, when your pup grows up, they’ll learn to keep the home clean and only excrete in specific areas.
Paper Training
Paper training is a less ideal option compared to crate training because this can be confusing for your pet. Ideally, your dog would hold it indoors and only go to specific locations outside your home. However, if you are living in a high-rise building, working a job where you can’t get back home frequently, or living somewhere with harsh weather conditions, puppy pads are a great option. Puppy pads give pets the opportunity to relieve themselves at a specific location in your home, rather than all over the living area.
General Tips
Aside from the methods mentioned above, there are a few general tips that you should take heed of when trying to potty train your pet.
- Create a house training schedule for your puppy: Puppies have small bladders and can usually only hold their pee for around 6 hours. This number may vary based on your pet but it’s important to set up a consistent routine for them.